カテゴリー「04 from foregn countries」の1件の記事


to people from foregn countries

To every one who write comments in my blog from foregn countries.

Thank you to see my blog always very much really.

There are persons who write comments in English.
I'm very thankful to persons for writing comments in English sometimes.

But I can't understand English.

I can understand those comments only a little somehow because I use a
translation site.

But I don't know how I can answer.

So I can't answer a comment of anything but Japanese.

I'm very sorry But it's lucky when you can understand that.

I'm very glad to writing comments from other countries.

It's regrettable that I can't communicate with everyone.

I'm so sorry.

●最近、度々外国の方からの英語メールをいただいていて、メッセージには僕の絵を気に入っていただいている事はなんとな~~く伝わるのですが、以前の記事にもあるように、どう返事をしていいか・・・・;;;orz 本当に不甲斐なくて申し訳ないのですが、お返事を出来ずにいます;;;

そんな訳で以前に載せた英文をもう一度載せておきますね;;w この文はブログのコメント用に書いてもらった英文ですが、僕が全く外国語が出来ないということが分かってもらえればと思いまして・・・;;; ホントに情けないなぁ・・・はぁ;;;

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